University of North Carolina (UNC), Chapel Hill

Grantee: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Project: Enlaces Por La Salud
Location: Chapel Hill, NC
Priority Population: Mexican MSM & transgender women HIV+ or high risk for HIV
Website: coming soon...
UNC’s project is Enlaces Por La Salud: Finding, Linking and Retaining Mexican MSM and Transgender Women (TW) in HIV Care in North Carolina. To increase the number of Mexican MSM/TW who are aware of their HIV status, Enlaces Por La Salud will conduct enhanced venue-based testing; partner with healthcare settings traditionally accessed by the population (urgent care centers, community clinics); and target media advertising and a statewide education campaign for providers. To increase the number of Mexican MSM/TW who are linked to care within 3 months, rapid referrals to care will be established. Personal health navigators (PHNs) will collaborate with both Disease Intervention Specialists (DIS) and State Bridge counselors (SBCs) to facilitate linkage of newly diagnosed persons to HIV care within 30 days of diagnosis. To increase the number of Mexican MSM/TW who receive a minimal level of continuous care, PHNs will work with SBCs and will follow patients until at least two clinic visits more than three months apart have been attended. Enhanced and expanded clinic hours staffed with Spanish speaking providers, and culturally appropriate support services also will be provided.